Hire Philippines Nanny

Hiring Domestic Help in the Philippines as an Expat

The Philippines, with its stunning beaches, vibrant culture, and friendly people, is a magnet for expats seeking a new adventure. However, adjusting to a new life can be challenging, especially when everyday tasks take up precious time. Hiring domestic help in the Philippines can be a game-changer, freeing you to explore your new home and focus on what matters most, all for a fraction of the cost you might be accustomed to in your home country.

Key Considerations for Hiring Domestic Help in the Philippines

Hiring domestic help in the Philippines can be a smooth and rewarding experience by carefully considering your needs and taking the following steps:

1. Define Your Needs:

  • What kind of help do you require? Do you need assistance with cleaning, cooking, childcare, or a combination of services?
  • How many hours per week will you need help? Consider your lifestyle and workload.
  • Do you have any specific requirements? For example, if you have pets, you may need someone comfortable pet care.

2. Finding the Right Candidate:

  • Agencies vs. Word-of-Mouth:
    • Agencies: Licensed agencies pre-screen candidates, conduct background checks, and handle legalities. This can be a great option for peace of mind, especially if you’re unfamiliar with Philippine labor laws.
    • Word-of-Mouth: Recommendations from friends, neighbors, or colleagues can be a valuable resource. This approach allows you to connect with someone who may already have experience working with expats.

3. Selecting the Ideal Candidate:

  • Experience and Skills: Look for someone with experience relevant to your needs. If you have children, experience with childcare is crucial.
  • Communication: Ensure you can communicate effectively. This is essential for discussing expectations and resolving any issues.
  • Cultural Understanding: Someone familiar with expat life can be more understanding of your needs and adjust to your cultural background.
  • Conduct an Interview: Ask questions about their experience, skills, and references. This will help you assess if they are a good fit for your household.

4. Building a Positive Working Relationship:

  • Contract: A written contract outlining duties, working hours, salary, benefits (including mandated rest days), and leave policies protects both you and your helper.
  • Clear Expectations: Be upfront about your expectations for cleaning, childcare, or other tasks.
  • Respectful Communication: Treat your domestic helper with respect and as a valued member of your household. Open and honest communication is essential.
  • Cultural Sensitivity: Be mindful of cultural differences and adjust your expectations accordingly.

By following these key considerations, you can increase your chances of finding the perfect domestic helper for your needs in the Philippines. This will allow you to focus on enjoying your new life and exploring all that the Philippines has to offer.

Tailoring Your Needs: The Scope of Domestic Help in the Philippines

The beauty of hiring domestic help in the Philippines is the flexibility it offers. You can tailor the services to your specific needs and budget. Here’s a breakdown of what domestic help can cover, with cost considerations:

1. Services Offered:

With Laundry:

  • General Cleaning: This includes tasks like sweeping, mopping, dusting, vacuuming, and cleaning bathrooms and kitchens. (Cost varies depending on frequency and house size, typically starts around ₱3,500 per month)
  • Laundry: Washing, drying, ironing, and folding clothes. (Additional ₱1,000 – ₱2,000 per month)
  • Meal Preparation: Cooking meals according to your preferences and dietary needs. (Cost varies based on complexity and grocery expenses)
  • Errands: Running errands like grocery shopping or picking up dry cleaning. (Additional fees may apply based on distance and time)

Without Laundry:

  • All services mentioned above except laundry. (Reduced cost by around ₱1,000 – ₱2,000 per month)

2. Additional Considerations:

a) With Children:

If you have children, you can find domestic helpers experienced in childcare. This may include:

  • Looking after children: Playing with them, feeding them, and helping with bath time. (Additional cost depending on experience and number of children)
  • Light housekeeping: Tidying up after children and keeping their play areas clean. (May be included in general cleaning)

b) Without Children:

If you don’t have children, you can focus on services like cleaning, meal preparation, and errands.

3. Equipment:

Domestic helpers typically use basic cleaning supplies like brooms, mops, rags, and sponges that you provide. However, for specific tasks, you might need to provide additional equipment like a vacuum cleaner or a steamer.

Finding the Right Fit:

When discussing your needs with potential helpers or agencies, be clear about the services you require (laundry/no laundry, childcare/no childcare). This will help them provide an accurate quote and ensure you find someone who aligns with your budget and expectations.

Live-In vs. Live-Out: Choosing the Right Arrangement for Your Needs

Deciding between a live-in or live-out domestic helper depends on your specific circumstances and preferences. Here’s a breakdown of the pros and cons of each arrangement to help you make an informed decision:

Live-In Helper


  • Convenience: A live-in helper is readily available throughout the day, offering greater flexibility and immediate assistance.
  • Security: Having someone present in the house can provide a sense of security and deter potential break-ins.
  • Stronger Bond: Living in close proximity can foster a closer relationship and better understanding of your needs.


  • Privacy: Sharing your living space can limit your personal privacy and require adjustments to your daily routine.
  • Boundaries: Clear communication is essential to establish appropriate boundaries and personal time for both parties.
  • Employer Responsibilities: As an employer, you become responsible for providing food, accommodation, and potentially additional utilities for your helper.

Live-Out Helper


  • Privacy: You and your family maintain full privacy in your own home.
  • Clear Boundaries: The physical separation helps maintain a clearer professional boundary between employer and employee.
  • Cost: Live-out helpers typically command a slightly lower salary compared to live-in arrangements.


  • Availability: A live-out helper may not be readily available throughout the day, especially for evenings or weekends.
  • Security: The house might be unattended for extended periods, potentially increasing security concerns.
  • Communication: Clear communication and planning are crucial to ensure tasks are completed effectively.

Finding the Right Fit:

The best arrangement depends on your individual needs and lifestyle. Consider factors like your family size, work schedule, and how much help you require throughout the day.

Here are some additional considerations:

  • Live-in might be ideal for: Families with young children, those who require extensive daily assistance, or those seeking a more personal relationship with their helper.
  • Live-out might be ideal for: Busy professionals who value privacy, those who only need help during specific hours, or those with limited living space.

Ultimately, the choice between live-in and live-out comes down to finding the arrangement that best suits your comfort level and household needs.

Considering Your Partner’s Perspective

Hiring a domestic helper can significantly impact your household dynamics, especially if you have a wife, girlfriend, or partner living with you. While you might see the benefits of having extra help, your partner’s perspective may be a crucial factor in the decision-making process.

Here’s why considering your partner’s viewpoint is important:

  • Maintaining Harmony: Introducing a new person into the household can disrupt established routines and potentially cause friction.
  • Shared Space: Your partner might feel a sense of territoriality regarding their own space and privacy.
  • Communication is Key: Open and honest communication with your partner is essential to understand their concerns and find a solution that works for everyone.

Tips for Navigating Potential Issues:

  • Discuss Expectations: Talk openly with your partner about your reasons for wanting a domestic helper and their expectations for the role.
  • Involve Them in the Process: Include your partner in the interview process and decision-making to ensure they feel comfortable with the chosen candidate.
  • Maintain Clear Boundaries: Establish clear boundaries with your helper to minimize potential conflicts with your partner.
  • Address Concerns Promptly: Communicate openly with your partner and address any concerns they might have before they escalate.

Family Considerations:

In some cases, domestic helpers may be family members, such as a cousin or niece. While this can offer a sense of trust and familiarity, it’s still important to maintain a professional relationship and set clear boundaries. Discussing expectations with your family member beforehand can help ensure a smooth working dynamic.


Successful integration of a domestic helper into your household requires consideration of all parties involved. By prioritizing open communication and understanding your partner’s perspective, you can create a harmonious and supportive environment for everyone.

Understanding Your Responsibilities: Legalities of Hiring Domestic Help in the Philippines

Social Security and PhilHealth Contributions

Hiring domestic help in the Philippines comes with certain legal responsibilities as an employer. Familiarizing yourself with these requirements ensures a smooth working relationship and protects both you and your helper. Here’s a breakdown of some key legalities:

  • Social Security System (SSS): As an employer, you are responsible for registering your domestic helper with the Social Security System (SSS) if their monthly salary is above the minimum set by the SSS. You will contribute a portion of their salary towards their social security benefits. (https://www.sss.gov.ph/)

  • PhilHealth: Similar to SSS, PhilHealth is the national health insurance program in the Philippines. You are required to register your domestic helper with PhilHealth if their salary meets the minimum set by PhilHealth. This ensures they have access to government healthcare benefits. (https://www.philhealth.gov.ph/)

13th Month Pay

In addition to regular salary, domestic helpers are entitled to certain benefits by law:

  • 13th Month Pay: By law, domestic helpers are entitled to a 13th month pay which is equivalent to one month’s basic salary. This is typically paid in December.

Additional Resources:

The Philippine Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) provides a comprehensive guide on the rights and benefits of domestic workers, including helpful templates for employment contracts: https://www.officialgazette.gov.ph/2013/01/18/republic-act-no-10361/

Fulfilling these legal requirements demonstrates your commitment to fair treatment and protects your domestic helper’s well-being. By following these guidelines, you can build a positive and responsible employer-employee relationship.

The Cost of Comfort: Realistic Expectations for Domestic Helper Salaries in the Philippines

Rising Costs: Beyond the ₱3,000 Helper

The Philippines has historically been known for affordable domestic help. However, the days of finding a full-time helper for ₱3,000 per month (around $60 USD) from the province may be coming to an end. The minimum wage for domestic helpers varies by region, with Metro Manila having the highest rates. Here’s a breakdown of what you can expect to pay:

  • Minimum Wage: Currently, the minimum wage for domestic helpers in Metro Manila is around ₱6,000 per month (around $120 USD). This is the baseline and may not reflect the going market rate.

  • Market Rates: Expect to pay between ₱8,000 and ₱10,000 per month (around $160 – $200 USD) for a qualified and experienced domestic helper in Metro Manila. This can vary depending on the helper’s skills, experience, and the services required (like childcare).

Understanding Additional Expenses

While salary is a major cost factor, there are additional expenses to consider when budgeting for domestic help:

  • Food and Toiletries: As an employer, you are typically responsible for providing food and toiletries for your domestic helper. Factor in an additional ₱1,000 – ₱2,000 per month (around $20 – $40 USD) for groceries.

  • Live-in vs. Live-out: If your helper will be living with you, you may need to provide them with a private sleeping area and meals.

Finding the Right Balance:

By considering these additional expenses, you can create a more realistic budget for your domestic helper. While the cost of domestic help in the Philippines has risen, it can still be significantly more affordable compared to many other countries.

Maintaining Professional Boundaries: A Key to a Successful Employer-Employee Relationship

Hiring a domestic helper can be a game-changer, offering valuable support and freeing up your time. However, it’s important to remember that this is a professional relationship, not a personal one. Maintaining clear boundaries between employer and employee is essential for a smooth and successful working dynamic.

Here’s why professionalism matters:

  • Mutual Respect: Treating your helper with respect as a valued employee fosters trust and a positive working environment.
  • Clear Expectations: A professional approach ensures clear communication of expectations and avoids misunderstandings.
  • Reduced Drama: Maintaining boundaries minimizes the potential for personal complications or emotional entanglements.

Tips for Maintaining Professionalism:

  • Clear Communication: Set clear expectations regarding work hours, duties, and communication channels.
  • Respectful Interactions: Maintain a professional demeanor in your interactions, avoiding overly familiar language or behavior.
  • Personal Boundaries: Respect your helper’s personal time and avoid intruding into their private life.
  • Focus on the Work: Keep conversations work-related and avoid discussing personal matters excessively.


While building a positive and friendly rapport is important, it’s crucial to avoid blurring professional boundaries. Your domestic helper is there to provide valuable services within your household, and treating them with respect as an employee will ensure a mutually beneficial working relationship.

Location Matters: Balancing Distance and Potential Drama

There’s an additional factor to consider that can influence your experience: location. While geographic distance from a helper’s family can’t guarantee a problem-free situation, it can sometimes reduce the chances of certain issues arising. Here’s why:

  • Reduced Social Pressure: Living farther away from family and friends can lessen outside influences and distractions for your helper.
  • Focus on Work: Being physically distant from their immediate social circle may allow your helper to focus more on their duties and responsibilities within your household.

Reduced Temptation: Distance can also be a factor in deterring potential theft. Being out of their element and far away from their home province can make a helper less likely to steal. They may feel a stronger sense of responsibility and loyalty when they are reliant on you for their basic needs and well-being.

Important to Remember:

It’s important to remember that open communication and mutual respect are still key to a positive working relationship with your domestic helper, regardless of their location. Building trust and providing a supportive environment are essential in preventing any potential problems.

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