Is Vlogging in Paradise Legal? Understanding Toustist Visas in the Philippines

The Philippines, with its stunning beaches and vibrant culture, is a dream destination for many. But for aspiring vloggers, paradise comes with a question:[...]

Health Insurance Solutions for Expats in the Philippines

Moving to the Philippines offers a beautiful landscape, vibrant culture, and a warm welcome. But as with any move abroad, prioritizing your health and[...]

Pre-Death Planning for Expat Retirees in the Philippines

The Philippines, with its vibrant culture, stunning scenery, and affordable cost of living, is a haven for many retirees. But beyond the initial excitement[...]

  • Philippines Real Estate Investments

    The 1% Rule: A Realistic Look for Philippines Real Estate Investments

    Philippines Real Estate: Cracking the 1% Rule?

  • Overstay Philippines

    Overstay Your Philippines Visa? Don’t Panic! Here’s How to Fix It Legally

    Overstayed your Philippine visa?