

  • higher prices Philippines

Paradise with a Price Tag: Understanding Higher Costs in the Philippines

By |June 30th, 2024|Categories: Banking & Finance, Travel, All Topics|Tags: , , , , , |

The Philippines, with its stunning beaches, friendly locals, and rich culture, is a dream destination for many. However, for budget-conscious travelers, sticker shock can hit upon arrival. Compared to its Southeast Asian neighbors, the Philippines can sometimes feel a bit pricier. But fret not, wanderlusting explorer! This blog delves into the reasons behind these price differences and offers tips for navigating the Philippines on a budget. Cracking the Code: Why Prices Can Be Higher in the Philippines The Philippines, with its undeniable charm, might surprise budget travelers with its price tags. While Southeast Asian neighbors often boast backpacker-friendly budgets, the[...]

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  • Anti-Slander Laws Philippines

Anti-Slander Laws in the Philippines and Social Media

By |June 29th, 2024|Categories: Legal, All Topics|Tags: , , , , , , |

The Philippines, like many countries, has laws in place to protect individuals from the damaging effects of slander. In today's digital age, social media platforms have become a breeding ground for both positive and negative communication. This blog explores anti-slander laws in the Philippines, with a specific focus on how they apply to social media use. The Legal Landscape: From Traditional Libel to the Digital Age The Philippines has a long-standing legal framework to protect individuals from the harm caused by damaging statements. Traditionally, this protection came through the concept of libel as defined in the Revised Penal Code (RPC)[...]

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  • Overstay Philippines

Overstay Your Philippines Visa? Don’t Panic! Here’s How to Fix It Legally

By |June 25th, 2024|Categories: Legal, Visa, All Topics|Tags: , , , , , |

Let's face it, sometimes travel plans in the Philippines take an unexpected turn. You might have been captivated by the stunning beaches, the vibrant culture, or simply underestimated the allure of paradise. But what happens if you find yourself in the situation of unintentionally overstaying your Philippines visa? Don't fret! There's still a way to navigate this situation legally. Here's what you need to do to approach the Bureau of Immigration (BI) in the Philippines to address your overstay. Why Going Rogue is a Recipe for Disaster (and Detention!) While it might be tempting to ignore your overstay and hope[...]

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  • vlogging legal tourist visa

Is Vlogging in Paradise Legal? Understanding Toustist Visas in the Philippines

By |June 23rd, 2024|Categories: Legal, Visa, All Topics|Tags: , , , , , , |

The Philippines, with its stunning beaches and vibrant culture, is a dream destination for many. But for aspiring vloggers, paradise comes with a question: is it legal to vlog in the Philippines on a tourist visa? This post dives into a lesser-known issue: can vlogging about your experiences in the Philippines violate the terms of your travel visa? We'll explore the complexities of travel visas and how they might impact your vlogging aspirations. The Need-to-Know on Travel Visas Travel visas are temporary permits issued by a country that allow foreign visitors to enter and stay for a limited period. They[...]

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  • Health Insurance Expats Philippines

Health Insurance Solutions for Expats in the Philippines

By |June 22nd, 2024|Categories: Health Care, All Topics|Tags: , , , , , |

Moving to the Philippines offers a beautiful landscape, vibrant culture, and a warm welcome. But as with any move abroad, prioritizing your health and well-being is crucial. That's where expat-specific health insurance comes in. This blog post aims to simplify the process of finding reliable health insurance in the Philippines, drawing on the expertise of Michael Onstad, a seasoned insurance professional with over 35 years of experience and 6 years dedicated to serving expats in the Philippines. Why You Need Health Insurance as an Expat Unexpected Medical Costs: Medical emergencies can happen anywhere, anytime. The Philippines boasts a growing healthcare[...]

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  • Dying Philippines Expat

Pre-Death Planning for Expat Retirees in the Philippines

By |June 21st, 2024|Categories: General Retirement, Legal, Working and Lifestyle, All Topics|Tags: , , , , , , |

The Philippines, with its vibrant culture, stunning scenery, and affordable cost of living, is a haven for many retirees. But beyond the initial excitement of settling into paradise, there's a crucial aspect that often gets overlooked: planning for what happens after you're gone. For expat retirees, pre-planning for death in the Philippines is not just thoughtful, it's essential. Here's why and how to navigate this process with minimal stress. Navigating the Legal Landscape: Philippine Laws and Your Estate For expat retirees, pre-planning for death in the Philippines goes beyond just practical considerations. By grasping the legalities of inheritance and estate[...]

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